Sunday, June 3, 2012

Allergic Rhinitis and skin prick testing

The most common allergic symptoms are congestion, runny nose, postnasal drip, watery eyes, and itching of the eyes or throat. Ear infections and sinus infections are often aggravated by allergies.
Skin testing for allergies is used to identify nasal allergens. It is performed by applying an extract of an allergen to the skin, scratching or pricking the skin to allow exposure.

  •  A drop of extract for each potential allergen -- such as pollen, animal dander, or dust mite -- is placed on the skin and pricked into the epidermis. The subsequent wheal is measured.
  • All adults and children over about 6-7yrs should have allergy testing if they have symptoms of allergic rhinitis. This is available at the local pathology lab and some practices. 
  • The video above demonstrates this simple investigation.

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