This is where you will find information and advice on Ear Nose and Throat problems (Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery) . The blog is administered by Northland (NZ) ENT specialists. We teach GPs, Registrars and House Surgeons and it is a pity not to have that information available for all who are interested. Hope our readers find it helpful!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Thyroid Nodules management protocols

Nodular disease of the thyroid gland is prevalent. The lifetime risk for developing a palpable thyroid nodule is estimated to be 5-10%, and the condition affects more women than men. Roughly 5% of thyroid nodules are malignant; the remainder represent a variety of benign diagnoses, including colloid nodules, degenerative cysts, hyperplasia, thyroiditis, or benign neoplasms. A rational approach to management of a thyroid nodule is based on the clinician's ability to distinguish the more common benign diagnoses from malignancy in a highly reliable and cost-effective manner.below is the Northland DHB Imaging and management of clinically palpable Nodules.
Nodule V4 Dec 09 (1)

1 comment:

  1. A thyroid nodule is basically a lump that develops within the thyroid gland and is typically non- cancerous and most often forms at the edge of the thyroid. In most cases these nodules will not cause any symptoms are go undetected until an individual is examined during a routine medical exam.
